विभिन्न प्रकारका डरहरु

§     Ablutophobia §      Fear of washing or bathing.
§     Achluophobia/ Nyctophobia §      Fear of darkness.
§     Acousticophobia §      Fear of noise.
§     Acrophobia §      Fear of heights.
§     Agliophobia §      Fear of pain.
§     Agyrophobia §      Fear of streets or crossing the street.
§     Androphobia §      Fear of men.
§     Anthrophobia/Anthophobia §      Fear of flowers.
§     Anthropophobia §      Fear of people or society.
§     Antlophobia §      Fear of floods.
§     Anuptaphobia §      Fear of staying single.
§     Automysophobia §      Fear of being dirty.
§     Bacillophobia §      Fear of microbes.
§     Bathophobia §      Fear of depth.
§     Bibliophobia §      Fear of books
§     Cacophobia §      Fear of ugliness.
§     Caligynephobia §      Fear of beautiful women.
§     Catoptrophobia §      Fear of mirrors.
§     Chiraptophobia §      Fear of being touched.
§     Chronophobia §      Fear of time.
§     Cyclophobia §      Fear of bicycles.
§     Decidophobia §      Fear of making decisions.
§     Demophobia §      Fear of crowds. (Agoraphobia)
§     Didaskaleinophobia §      Fear of going to school.
§     Ecophobia §      Fear of home.
§     Emetophobia §      Fear of vomiting.
§     Ergophobia §      Fear of work
§     Frigophobia §      Fear of cold or cold things
§     Gamophobia §      Fear of marriage.
§     Gerascophobia §      Fear of growing old.
§     Glossophobia §      Fear of speaking in public or of trying to speak.
§     Gynephobia/Gynophobia §      Fear of women.
§     Hemophobia/Hematophobia §      Fear of blood.
§     Kakorrhaphiophobia §      Fear of failure or defeat.
§     Logizomechanophobia §      Fear of computers.
§     Methyphobia §      Fear of alcohol.
§     Monopathophobia §      Fear of definite disease.
§     Tachophobia §      Fear of speed.
§     Trypanophobia §      Fear of injections.
§     Zelophobia §      Fear of jealousy.
§     Zoophobia §      Fear of animals.
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