विभिन्न प्रकारका मेनियाहरु

31364640 - mania concept

Word Definition
agromania intense desire to be in open spaces
anthomania obsession with flowers
bibliomania craze for books or reading
clinomania excessive desire to stay in bed
demonomania pathological belief that one is possessed by demons
dinomania mania for dancing
dipsomania abnormal craving for alcohol
discomania obsession for disco music
doramania obsession with owning furs
egomania irrational self-centered attitude or self-worship
eleutheromania manic desire for freedom
empleomania mania for holding public office
epomania craze for writing epics
florimania craze for flowers
 hippomania obsession with horses
melomania craze for music
methomania morbid craving for alcohol
musomania obsession with music
mythomania lying or exaggerating to an abnormal extent
phagomania excessive desire for food or eating
phaneromania habit of biting one’s nails
phonomania pathological tendency to murder
plutomania mania for money
polemomania mania for war
politicomania mania for politics
potomania abnormal desire to drink alcohol
pseudomania irrational predilection for lying
stampomania obsession with stamp-collecting
zoomania insane fondness for animals
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